Safe Life Project
A research based program promoting success by addressing physical, social and emotional well-being.
Use this program to teach skills for… abuse prevention, personal safety, problem solving/reporting, healthy/safe relationships.
Designed to help teachers, family members, & agencies as they work to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.
To empower individuals with disabilities, including autism, with skills and knowledge that will stop abuse and develop safe, healthy and happy daily life relationships – achieving positive and productive life style outcomes in the basic quality of life domains – including physical, social, emotional, mental and civic well-being.
To develop effective, easy to use educational materials and tools that will engage individuals with disabilities and help them to develop and apply skills for abuse prevention, personal safety, and problem-solving/reporting.
The Facts About Abuse

"Safe Life helped me get strong."
"My son came home talking about Safe Life. I think this it is a very positive thing for
students to be able to learn life skills for abuse prevention and healthy relationships.
This will help him now and in the future."
"So easy to use and so complete!"
"Safe Life helped me make good choices for friends."
"The Safe Life lessons helped my daughter build confidence in standing up for herself."
"I have been looking for something like this to use with my students for a very long time.
Where have you been?! Thanks!"
"I learned about bad relationships and good relationships. I got out of a bad relationship."
"Thank you for helping my child learn skills that can help her when I can’t."
"Love the video clips – so helpful in teaching my kids with special needs.
Also, helpful for me!"